Monisha Kumar,
Chennai Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College

Juvenile Delinquency is an illegal behavior of children who were under the age of 18 years. This kind of disapproved behavior are usually, committed by the children facing poverty and poor parenting. This is because of various reasons like poverty, community they live in and family, since these are the influencing factors that affect child’s mental health. According to Indian Law, Mens Rea is very essential element in criminal case. For Instance, children who are very small, at age of ten commits a crime, and children usually do what they see and learn from the society, or surroundings around one play important role in affecting the children’s mind. The concept of social disorganization theory is better theory to understand the sociological perspective of the crime Juvenile Delinquency. Social Disorganization Theory deals with the study of socially disorganized societies and communities where the crime rates are high and make a certain change so that the communities experience less crime rates. “Neighbourhood life is shaped by a network of formal and informal community associations” that form the essence of social organisation. A disruption in these community associations results in social disorganization[i].
Roots of Juvenile Delinquency
The Juvenile Delinquency is the problem faced by the socially disorganized society or community, for every problem there will the root cause that will be the reason behind its rise. Generally, there will be three Important Factors or root cause for every sociological problem, they are Individual Factors, Socio-Economic Factors and Family Factors, along with them there are still many factors and they are as follows School Factors, Community and Environment Factors, Peer and Media Influence.
Individual Factors
Under a person’s individual trait are the factors like age, gender, impulsivity, aggressiveness all of these play a dominant role.[ii] As these factors changes with time the exposure to criminal activities varies along with their change in contribution.
Socio-Economic Factors
Socio-Economic Factor mainly depend upon the status of a person and the environment of the society they live in, it is considered that people living in poverty are highly expose to criminal activities, most of the children, those who live under poverty and struggle to earn a meal in a day are more involved as they are not aware of the law, they usually start from small crimes and it can end even at murder in many cases. They commit crimes to survive, teens whose parents are mentally busy and physically absent those teens might enter into criminal activities out of anger, those kinds of parents will have to do multiple works to earn bread for one’s family so, they can’t take care and give attention to their children[iii].
Family Factors
Family Factors refers to problems in the family that a children can face, for instance, Incomplete family, over burden of members in the family which leads to less attention and children will face the problem of neglect and also family conflict if there is any conflict in family over any issue and this happens in front of a children then it may affect the mental health of the children[iv].
Community and Environmental Factors (School Factors)
In India, the government provide a free and compulsory education for all from the age from 6 to 14 years, nowadays teachers even check whether all the children in particular area are attending the school and if not, they visit their parents directly and find out the reason. Along with this there has been a lot of educational legal provisions are been introduced. This give rise to proper schooling which is an important factor as the school environment can reduce the juvenile delinquency, as this act has a Productive Factor[v]. The Condition of community plays a crucial role, as the children will easily get influence of their surroundings and area they live.
Peer and Media Influence
There will be influence of peer because of the activity that have been done together and same goes with media influence children will learn from what they see, So, these influences can be both good as well as bad for the children depend upon their choice and company.
Rise of Social Disorganization Theory
At First, the North American puts the efforts to explain regarding the crime and delinquency related to the social control on the absence of social bonds at the community level, if entire Locality were seen as socially disorganized, as that could prevent crimes[vi].
This is when Shaw and McKay first introduced the term “Social disorganization”, which is described as when surrounding area have weakened social controls where criminal traditions and values collide with the traditions of conventional institutions. They found that their connection between the Neighbourhood and juvenile delinquency rates[vii].Social Disorganization Theory was introduced as outcome of environmental and social conditions that was prevailing in the twentieth century, that observes that there is high rates of juvenile delinquency and various social issues within the cities. The Sociologists made their observation and said that juvenile delinquency and crime was caused by the nature of environment in which the people live and it can rise as well as reduce the crime rates[viii].
Role of Family Dynamics
Family Dynamics plays an important role in social disorganization theory with respect of juvenile delinquency[ix]. According to the theory, A family which is facing a problem or any disruption along with the low economic status that is below poverty line, ethnic heterogeneity and residential mobility can lead to community social disorganization then, all these can give rise to juvenile delinquency and also there will be an increase in other crime rates[x].
Economic and Social status of the family is a very important factor. The theory explains that a person with poverty will have close contact with delinquency activities. They are motivated from poverty as they won’t get proper nutrition and also, they won’t get proper attention from their parents. Family Dynamics includes family structure, supervision, conflict, and socio-economic status and all these are influencing key factors that can give rise to Juvenile Delinquency[xi].
Importance of Neighbourhood Environment
Social Disorganization Theory mainly focus on the concept of Neighbourhood even, in the aspect of Juvenile Delinquency, Locality where a person live plays a significant role. Under Neighbourhood, it includes a person’s residential location, where a person stays[xii].
It is important factor as depending upon where a person lives it can be decided how much a crime can affect them. An environment in which a person live can influence their behavior and there is high risk of juvenile delinquency. In such areas, there will be a greater number of informal social control of delinquency[xiii].
Schemes For Juveniles as Social Welfare Program
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000
This is the basic law for adjudication and disposal of matters that is related to children who is in need of care and protection as well as with that children who is in conflict with law and also those children who have fallen into the clutches of criminals[xiv].
The Ministry of Women and Child Development[xv]
This Ministry provides financial assistance to State governments and Union territories administrations under District Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), which appoints two social workers under District Child Protection Units.
These are Schemes for Juveniles to support them and show them a way for their better future.
In a Nut Shell, It can be considered that juvenile delinquency is most serious issue but with the understanding of social organization theory, one can exactly focus on main problems that cause Juvenile Delinquency and it can help in prevent the rise of juvenile delinquency.
The Most important factor is Neighbourhood and communities’ children get influence by these factors like poverty, malnutrition and not proper parenting are the cause of rising of juvenile delinquency, once these come under control through juvenile schemes that helps the poor children and prevent them from other illegal activities.
Overall, The Social Disorganization Theory helps in better understanding and further it helps to contribute to target residents. This theory mentions how a children can be protected from juvenile delinquency by providing the children live in proper environment and get better schooling.
[i]Social Disorganization Theory – Examples, Pros & Cons, Kamalpreet Gill Singh (PhD),
[ii] Patterns and Trends of Juvenile Delinquency,
[iii] What are the causes of juvenile delinquency? By Lindsay Kramer,
[iv] Risk and Protective Factors and Interventions for Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review, Aida Aazami, Rebecca Valek, Andrea N. Ponce and Hossein Zare,
[v] Risk and Protective Factors and Interventions for Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review, Aida Aazami, Rebecca Valek, Andrea N. Ponce and Hossein Zare,
[vi] Juvenile Delinquency, Types of Delinquency,
[vii]Social Disorganisation, Extra-Curricular Activities and Delinquency, Robyn G. Dougherty Ms.
[viii] A Test of Social Disorganization on Juvenile Property and Violent Crime Rates by Zip Codes Within Two Nonmetropolitan Counties, Mario T. Hesse St. Cloud State University, Susan M. Hilal Metropolitan State University,
[ix] Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory, Robert J. Sampson and W. Byron Groves,
[x] The Influence of Family Structure on Delinquent Behavior, Cashen M. Boccio and Kevin M. Beaver,
[xi] The Effects of Family Characteristics on Delinquent Behavior, Tara S. Kyne,
[xii] Social Disorganization Theory, Paul Bellair,
[xiii]Social disorganization theory (Shaw & McKay), Von Christian Wickert